902 835 5454


High Traffic

Our facility averages over 1,000,000 visitors per year.

Niche Demographic

Statistics prove that visitors to high profile arena’s like the Greenfoot Energy Centre are the average age of 18-50, mostly parents of young families, and have higher than average household incomes.

Cost Efficient

Opportunities within our facility range between $1-$5 CPM (cost per thousand visitors), less than half the cost of traditional billboard, print, or radio advertising, but with the same reach.

Get Creative

  • Customize your ad campaign to maximize effectiveness
  • Digital advertising options available
  • Window decals, floor decals, and stair risers
  • Interactive Marketing opportunities to connect directly with our visitors and your future customers
Opportunity Rink A, B, or C Spectator Rink
Rink Board Decals $800 $1,000
Change Rooms (5 per rink) $500 $500
Score Board Signs $1,250 $1,500
Rink Banners $1,500 $2,000
In-Ice Logos Rink A, B, or C Spectator Rink
Centre Ice $2,500 $3,500
Neutral Zone $2,000 $2,500
Blue Lines $2,000 $2,500
Face Off Dots $1,000 $1,500
Extra *Production and HST costs are extra Pricing
Lobby Signs $2,000
Hall Signs $1000
Ice Resurfacer $5,000
Digitial Signs $150/month*
Pop-up Banners $125/month*
Window/Floor Decals Upon Request